903 - Public Participation in the School District
903 - Public Participation in the School District dawn.gibson.cm… Wed, 06/29/2022 - 09:31903.1 - School - Community Groups
903.1 - School - Community GroupsThe board values the participation and the support of school district-community groups, including, but not limited to, booster clubs and parent-teacher organizations, which strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program. The board will work closely with these groups.
Prior to any purchase of, or fund raising for, the purchase of goods or services for the school district, the group will confer with the superintendent to assist the group in purchasing goods or services to meet the school district's needs.
Funds raised by these groups for the school district may be kept as part of the accounts of the school district.
It is the responsibility of the building principal and/or activity director to be the liaison with the school district-community groups affiliated with the building principal's attendance center.
Approved: 4-20-10
Revised: 5-16-22
903.2 - Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
903.2 - Community Resource Persons and VolunteersThe board recognizes the valuable resource it has in the members of the school district community. When possible and in concert with the education program, members of the school district community may be asked to make presentations to the students or to assist employees in duties other than teaching when volunteering would be appropriate considering the needs of the educational program. The volunteer may be asked to agree to an appropriate background check as a condition of serving as a volunteer. The school district may officially recognize the contributions made by volunteers.
Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of school district volunteers is the responsibility of the superintendent.
Approved: 4-20-10
Revised: 5-16-22
903.3 - Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
903.3 - Visitors to School District Buildings and SitesThe board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the school district community and invites them to visit the school district buildings and sites. Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the principal of their presence in the facility upon arrival and sign in. Visitors who do not notify the principal of their presence in school district buildings or on sites may be considered trespassers.
Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session are asked to notify the principal and obtain approval from the principal prior to the visit so appropriate arrangements can be made and so class disruption can be minimized. Teachers and other employees will not take time from their duties to discuss matters with visitors.
Visitors will conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others while attending school events. Visitors failing to conduct themselves accordingly may be asked to leave the premises. Children who wish to visit school must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
It is the responsibility of employees to report inappropriate conduct. It is the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to take the action necessary to cease the inappropriate conduct. If the superintendent or principals are not available, a school district employee will act to cease the inappropriate conduct.
Approved: 4-20-10
Revised: 5-16-22
903.4 - Public Conduct on School Premises
903.4 - Public Conduct on School PremisesSchool district sponsored or approved activities are an important part of the school district program and offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities not offered during the regular school day. School district sponsored or approved activities are provided for the enjoyment and opportunity for involvement they afford the students.
The board expects that students, employees, and visitors will treat each other with respect, engage in responsible behavior, exercise self-discipline, and model fairness, equity, and respect. Individuals violating this policy will be subject to discipline. Students will be disciplined consistent with the student conduct policies and the law. Employees will be disciplined consistent with employee discipline policies and laws. Others will be subject to consequences according to this policy.
Individuals are permitted to attend school district sponsored or approved activities or visit the school district premises only as guests of the school district and accordingly, as a condition of such permission, they must comply with the school district's rules and policies. Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program, enjoyment of the students participating, other individuals or with the performance of students, employees, and officials supervising the school district or school district sponsored or approved activity. Individuals, like the student participants, are expected to display mature, responsible behavior and sportsmanship. The failure of individuals to do so is not only disruptive but embarrassing to the students, the school district, and the entire community. Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program or activity.
To protect the rights of students to participate in the education program or activities without fear of interference or disruption and to permit the school district officials, employees, and activity sponsors and officials of school district sponsored or school district approved activities to perform their duties without interference or disruption, the following provisions are in effect:
- Abusive, verbal or physical conduct of individuals directed at students, school district officials, employees, officials, and activity sponsors of school district sponsored or school district approved activities or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
- Verbal or physical conduct of individuals that interferes with the performance of students, school district officials, employees, officials, and activity sponsors of school district sponsored or school district approved activities will not be tolerated.
- The use of vulgar, obscene or demeaning expression directed at students, school district officials, employees, officials, and activity sponsors participating in a school district sponsored or school district approved activity or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
If an individual becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar, obscene or demeaning expression, or in any way interrupts a school district sponsored or school district approved activity, the individual may be removed by the individual in charge. and may be excluded from school district premises by the superintendent. Law enforcement may be contacted for assistance.
If an individual has been excluded from school district premises by the superintendent, the individual may receive a written notice of exclusion. The notice will advise the individual of the school district’s right to exclude the individual from school district premises and school district sponsored or school district approved activities and the duration of the exclusion. If the individual does not comply with the notice of exclusion, the individual will be asked to leave and will be advised that the individual’s failure to leave may result in prosecution. The school district may obtain a court order for permanent exclusion from school district premises and future school district sponsored or school district approved activities.
Approved: 5-16-22
903.5 - Distribution or Display of Materials
903.5 - Distribution or Display of MaterialsThe board recognizes that students, employees, parents or citizens may want to distribute or display materials within the school district that are noncurricular. Noncurricular materials to be distributed or displayed must be approved by the building principal and meet certain standards prior to their distribution.
Approved: 4-20-10
Revised: 5-16-22