Board Minutes 2022.08.16
Board Minutes 2022.08.16Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Minutes
August 16, 2022
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Jeremiah DePyper, Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Michelle Te Grootenhuis, SBO Chris Conlon and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Shamus Currans. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
- Call to order: President Jensen at 5:30 p.m. in the Tech building in Terril, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- Determine a Quorum: President Jensen
- Adopt Agenda: Fairchild moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
- Welcome Patrons: Jensen welcomed Mrs Te Grootenhuis.
- Approval of Minutes: Hanson moved to approve the July 16, 2022 board meeting minutes. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
- Bills and Claims: Fairchild moved to approve the bills and claims as presented. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
- Financial Reports: Conlon reported no financial report due to cleaning up VISTA.
8.1 Marketing: The District Report was presented.
9.1 Activity Calendar: DePyper moved to approve the activity calendar by moving the September board meeting to Tuesday, September 20th. Second by Fairchild. Motion carried.
9.2 Open Enrollment: The board reviewed the following Open enrollments: AE-11th to CAM, MP-10th,BR 6th, KB-KK to Spencer, LC-7th, NC-7th to Spirit Lake, and JP-7th, JP-6th, JW-1st, JI-3rd to GT.
9.3 Handbooks: Fairchild moved to approve the Staff Handbook and Student Handbook for 22-23. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
9.4 Legislative Priorities: Motion by Fairchild to approve number 6. Achievement Gap from Loss of In Person Instruction, 8. Mental Health, 16. Teacher Recruitment and Licensure, 19. School Funding Policy, and 32. Sharing and Reorganization. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
9.5 Delegates: Fairchild moved to decline the September 13 Special Session and approve delegates to the November 16th IASB Annual Convention. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
9.6 Bank Plus: Fairchild moved to approve removing Steve Rolfeson from the Bank Plus Signature card and adding Chris Conlon, Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, and Angie Woods. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
9.7 Appoint Hearing Officers: Hanson moved to approve the following hearing officers for 2022-2023: Discrimination, Affirmative Action, Multicultral/Non-Sexist, 504,Title IX, Hot Lunch Hearing, Fees Hearing- Superintendent and/or Principal. Hot Lunch Screening- Board Secretary,
Level 1 Employee Abuse- Guidance Counselor, Level 1 Employee Abuse Alternate- Superintendent, Level 2 Employee Abuse - Palo Alto/Dickinson County Sheriff’s Department,
Grievance Hearing Officer-Level 1 Principal, Level 2 Superintendent, Homeless Liaison - Guidance Counselor, Equity coordinator- Guidance Counselor. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
10.1 Resignation: Fairchild moved to approve the resignation of Michael Jensen as Assistant Wrestling Coach. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
10.2 Hires: DePyper moved to approve the following Contracts, Todd Hough TLC Mentor ($6,000), Kate Myers TLC Mentor ($6,000) and Alexa Springer Para ($11.40). Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
- COMMITTEE REPORTS- No report given
12.1 Marshall Lewis- Superintendent, Jeremy Simington- MS/HS Principal, and Michelle TeGrootenhuis- Elementary Principal/ Curriculum presented their reports.
- BOARD COMMENTS: Jensen welcomed Mrs. TG and wanted to welcome back all staff and say “Good luck” and “Thank you for all you do”
- ADJOURN: Fairchild moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President, Kevin Jensen Board Secretary, Angie Woods