Board Minutes 2022.10.18

Board Minutes 2022.10.18

Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

October 18, 2022


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Kevin Jensen, Vice-President Mat Hanson, Director Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary/Curriculum Director Michelle TeGrootenhuis,SBO Chris Conlon, and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Directors Shamus Currans and Jeremiah DePyper.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.


  1. Call to order:  President Jensen at 5:06 pm in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  2. Determine a Quorum: President Jensen

  3. Adopt the Agenda: Fairchild moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  4. Welcome Patrons/Guest:  Patrick Fiddler

  5. Approval of Minutes: Fairchild moved to approve the September 20, 2022 Board Minutes.  Second by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  6. Bills and Claims:  Fairchild moved to approve the bills and claims as presented.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  7. Financial Reports:  Conlon reported no Financial report this month due to working with the auditors.


8.1  Marketing:  The District Marketing Report was presented.


            9.1  Activity Calendar:  Fairchild moved to approve the November Activity Calendar by moving November's Regular Board Meeting to Tuesday, November 22nd in Terril at 5:30pm.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

            9.2 SBRC Letter for Special Education Deficit:  Motion by Hanson to approve the SBRC Special Education Deficit in the amount of $281,957.66. Seconded by Fairchild.  Motion carried.

9.3  Title One Application:  Motion by Fairchild to approve the FY23 Title One Application funding.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

9.4  Bank Depository:  Motion by Hanson to approve the FY23 Bank Depository Resolution.  Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried

     10.  PERSONNEL

            10.1  Resignation:  Hanson moved to accept the resignation of Heather Loomis (Para).  Seconded by Fairchild.  Motion carried.

     11.  COMMITTEE REPORTS:  None at this time

     12.  ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS:  Administration gave their reports.

     13.  Board Comments:  Discussion was held on the activity ticket process. The board would like to see staff put in for the mini grant from the PACGGC.

     14.  Board Secretary Comments:  Open Enrollments were presented.

     15.  Adjourned:  Fairchild moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:23pm.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.  


The next meeting will be held in the Terril Tech Building, Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 5:30pm  


________________________________                                   ______________________________

Board President, Kevin Jensen                                                  Board Secretary, Angie Woods


awoods@gt.rati… Wed, 10/19/2022 - 13:07