Board Minutes 2022.12.19

Board Minutes 2022.12.19


Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

December 19, 2022


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: President Kevin Jensen, Vice-President Mat Hanson, Director Patrick Fairchild, Director Shamus Currans, Director Jeremiah DePyper,Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary/Curriculum Director Michelle TeGrootenhuis, Financials Chris Conlon, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.


  1. Call to order:  President Jensen at 5:32 pm in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  2. Determine a Quorum: President Jensen

  3. Adopt the Agenda: Fairchild moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  4. Welcome Patrons/Guests:  Eric Heinrich, Drew Schnell, Max Hough, Kolton Kluever and Kory Hough.

  5. Approval of Minutes: Fairchild moved to approve the November 22, 2022 Board Minutes.  Second by DyPyper.  Motion carried.

  6. Bills and Claims:  Fairchild moved to approve the bills and claims as presented.  Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

  7. Financial Reports:  Conlon will email the Board with Financials.


8.1  Marketing:  The District Marketing Report was presented.

       9. NEW BUSINESS

             9.1  Activity Calendar:  Fairchild moved to approve the January 2023 Activity Calendar.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

             9.2 Modified Supplemental Amount-At-Risk/Dropout Prevention-Motion by Hanson, seconded by Currans to approve the following resolution: Graettinger-Terril CSD approves the requests for modified supplemental growth to implement the at-risk and dropout prevention program in the amount of $140,106 or as determined by the Iowa Department of Education following DE audit review, subject to final approval by the School Budget Review Committee. Motion carried.

              9.3  SBRC Application- Open Enrollment Out Not on Prior Year’s Headcount.  Motion by Hanson to approve the SBRC Application for the District’s administration to authorize to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $122,859 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the certified enrollment count.  Seconded by DePyper. Ayes 5, Nays 0.  The motion to approve the SBRC request passes by a vote of 5-0.

9.4  Board Policy 600 Series- DePyper moved to approve the 2nd reading of the 600 Series of Board Policies.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

              9.5  Board Policy 507.9 Wellness Policy- Fairchild moved to approve Board Policy 507.9 with waiving the 1st reading.  Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.

        10.  PERSONNEL

10.1  Hires:  Currans moved to approve the following hires:  Heidi Heinrichs-Girls JH Basketball Coach, Maisey Frerichs-Elementary Para ($11.40hr), and Josh Bader-School Board Official.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

        11.  COMMITTEE REPORTS-None at this time.

        12.  ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS-Administration gave their reports.

        13.  BOARD SECRETARY COMMENTS- Woods shared with the board 3 open enrollments all into GT AH-PK, SS-9th and HW-8th and a Thank you card from NoBoundaries.

        14.  BOARD COMMENTS- Jensen wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

         Adjourn:  Fairchild moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 pm.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.  

The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 16, 2023.


_________________________________                              ________________________________

Board President, Kevin Jensen                                                 Board Secretary, Angie Woods

awoods@gt.rati… Wed, 12/21/2022 - 07:02