Board Minutes 2023.12.18

Board Minutes 2023.12.18

Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

December 18, 2023


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance:  Kevin Jensen, Jeremiah DePyper, Patrick Fairchild, Mat Hanson, Shamus Currans, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Michelle TeGrootenhuis, SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.  Absent MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

1. Call to Order-President Jensen at 5:31 p.m. in Graettinger, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. Determine a Quorum- President Jensen

3. Adopt Agenda- Motion to adopt the Retiring Board Agenda by Currans, Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.

4.  Welcome Guests-J.C Moen, Hudson Hansen, Isaac Murphy, Phillip Schmitt and Amanda Smith. 5.

5. Approval of Minutes-Motion by DePyper to approve the November 20, 2023 regular board minutes.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

6. Bills and Claims- Motion by Fairchild to approve the Bills and Claims for December.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

7. Financial Reports- Bader presented the financials to the board.

8. OLD BUSINESS- Amanda Smith from The District Marketing reported.

9. Adjourned Retiring Board- “Sine Die” DePyper moved to adjourn at 5:54 p.m.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

Jensen presented DePyper with a Years of Service award.


New Board Meeting

The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its organizational meeting with the following in attendance:  Kevin Jensen, Joey Moen, Patrick Fairchild, Mat Hanson, Shamus Currans, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Michelle TeGrootenhuis, SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.  Absent MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.


  1. Call to order: 5:55 pm by Woods

  2. Annual Meeting Items

2.1 New Elected Director:  Woods administered the Oath to New Board Member Joey  


2.2 Election of President:  Currans nominated Jensen as Board President, Fairchild

                               seconded.  Hanson moved to cease nominations.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried. 

                Roll call taken.  All ayes. Woods administered the Oath to Jensen.

2.3 Election of Vice President:  Fairchild nominated Hansen as Board Vice-President, 

Currans seconded.  Fairchild moved to cease nominations.  Seconded by Moen.  Motion

Carried.  Roll call taken. All ayes.  Woods administered the Oath to Hanson.

2.4 Regular Meeting Date/Time and Location:  Currans moved to approve regular meetings

3rd Monday of the Month,5:30 p.m., alternate between Graettinger and Terril.  Subject

to change.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

2.5 Board Legal Council:  Fairchild moved to maintaining our current arrangement with

Ahlers and Cooney as Council.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

2.6 Board Committees:  Fairchild moved to approve the committee representatives;  Emmet

County-TBD, Palo Alto County-Jensen, Dickinson County-Fairchild, Clay County-TBD

Negotiations- Jensen and Hanson, IASB Delegate-Jensen, Building and Grounds- Jensen 

and Fairchild, Transportation-Currans and Moen, Curriculum-Fairchild and Currans, Sharing Liaison- Jensen and Hanson, School Improvement Advisory- Fairchild and Currans, Marketing-Hanson and Fairchild.  Seconded by Currans. Motion carried.

2.7 Board Treasurer:  Currans moved to maintain the current arrangement with Mr Bader. 

Seconded by Moen.  Motion carried. Woods administered the Oath.

2.8 Board Secretary:  Currans moved to maintain the current arrangement with Mrs. Woods

Hanson Seconded.  Motion carried.  Oath was taken.


3.1  Activity Calendar:  Hanson moved to approve the January board calendar.  Seconded by 

Moen.  Motion carried.  

3.2 Board Policies:  Hanson moved to approve the following board policies with waiving the

1st reading-503.1,503.1R1,503.2,505.4,507.2,507.2E1,507.2E2,601.1603.5,605.1,

605.1R1,  605.2,605.3,605.3E4,605.3R1,605.5,605.7R1,607.2 and 607.2R1.  Seconded by

Fairchild.  Motion carried.

3.3 Stem Field trip:  Fairchild moved to approve the Stem Field Trip to Minneapolis.  Second

by Currans.  Motion carried.

3.4 SBRC Application -Open Enrollment:  Currans moved to approve the request the

              modified supplemental amount of $139,874.  Seconded by Moen.  Roll call: Currans, 

              Moen, Hanson,Fairchild and Jensen all ayes.  Motion carried.

3.5 SBRC Application- EL Instruction Beyond 5 years:  Currans moved to approve to submit

                                the request for a modified supplemental amount of $1,603.  Seconded  by Hanson. Roll 

call :  Currans, Moen, Hanson,Fairchild and Jensen all ayes.  Motion carried.

3.6 Modified Supplemental Amount:  At-Risk/Dropout Prevention-Motion by Fairchild, 

seconded by Hanson to approve the following resolution: Graettinger-Terril CSD 

approves the requests for modified supplemental growth to implement the at-risk and 

dropout prevention program in the amount of $143,385, or as determined by the

 Iowa Department of Education following DE audit review, subject to final approval by

 the School Budget Review Committee. Motion carried.

3.7 At-Risk/Drop Out Plan: Fairchild moved to approve the At-Risk/Drop Out Plan.  Second

By Currans.  Motion carried.

3.8 Vehicle Purchase:  Informational

4. PERSONNEL- None at this times

5. COMMITTEE REPORT- None at this time.


6.1 Superintendent Report - Mr. Lewis reported

6.2 MS/HS Principal Report- No report

6.3 Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director-Mrs. TeGrootenhuis reported.


7.1 Open Enrollment- DM-KG to Okoboji

8. BOARD COMMENTS: Jensen welcomed Joey Moen.

9. ADJOURNMENT: Currans moved to adjourn at 7:08 p.m.  Seconded by Fairchild.  Motion carried.


The next board meeting is Monday, January 15th in Terril.


__________________________________                            __________________________________

Board President, Kevin Jensen                                       Board Secretary, Angie Woods

awoods@gt.rati… Tue, 12/19/2023 - 15:03