Board Minutes 2024.03.18

Board Minutes 2024.03.18


Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

March 18, 2024


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Directors:  Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Shamus Currans, Joey Moen,Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Michelle TeGrootenhuis, SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.


  1. Call to Order-President Jensen at 5:31 p.m. in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa. . The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  2. Determine a Quorum- President Jensen

  3. Adopt Agenda- Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Currans. Seconded by Fairchild.  Motion carried.

  4.  Welcome Guests-Transportation/Maintenance Director Phillip Schmitt, Teacher Sara Harris and Marketing Amanda Smith.

  5. Approval of Minutes-Motion by Currans to approve the February 19, 2024 regular board minutes 2024.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  6. Bills and Claims- Motion by Fairchild to approve the Bills and Claims.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

  7. Financial Reports- Bader presented the financials.

  8. Old Business-

    1. District Marketing:  Amanda Smith presented on marketing for the last 60 days, highlighting state wrestling video.

  9. New Business-

    1. Activity Calendar-Fairchild moved to approve the April 2024 Activity Calendar with changing April’s board meeting to the 10th.  Seconded by Currans. Motion carried.

    2. Initial Negotiation:  Sara Harris presented the initial Education Association proposal for 2024-2025 school year.  Lewis presented the Board's  initial proposal.

    3. Woodriver Agreement:  Fairchild moved to table till  April's  Board meeting due to wanting more information.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

    4. Milk/Bread Bids:  Fairchild moved to approve sending out Milk and Bread bids for the 2024-2025 school year.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

    5. Policy 209.2:  Currans moved to approve the first reading of Policy 209.2.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  10. Discussion Items- Informational

                10.1 Budget- Discussion was held and notice of timely publication was presented.

10.2 Grant Process- Discussion on grant submissions was held with Superintendent Lewis taking full accountability. Lewis will develop a control process to enhance the effectiveness in the future.

  1. Personnel- 

                11.1 Contract- Fairchild moved to approve the hire of Lauren Josesphson for the 2024-2025 school year as an

Elementary Teacher.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

  1. Committee Report-None at this time.

  2. Administrative Reports- Administration gave their reports.

  3. Board Secretary Comments- Woods presented one Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School year.  SC-KG to Estherville and all Secretaries will be going to Ankeny in April for Infinite Campus Training

  4. Board Comments No comments

  5. Adjournment- Fairchild moved to adjourn at 8:16 pm.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.


__________________________________                                                     _______________________________

Board President, Kevin Jensen                                                                    Board Secretary, Angie Woods

awoods@gt.rati… Tue, 03/19/2024 - 12:02