Board Minutes 2024.10.21
Board Minutes 2024.10.21Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Minutes
October 21, 2024
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Directors: Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Principal Jeremy Simington, Principal/Curriculum Director Anita Helmich, SBO Josh Bader and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Director Joey Moen and Director Shamus Currans. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order-President Jensen at 6:00 pm. In the Industrial Arts Building in Terril Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Determine a Quorum- President Jensen
Adopt Agenda- Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Fairchild. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
Welcome Guest- Phillip Schmitt, Heidi Borchers and Kelsey Dietrich.
Approval of Minutes-Motion by Fairchild to approve the September 6, 2024 regular board minutes. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
Bills and Claims- Motion by Hanson to approve the Bills and Claims. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
Financial Reports- Bader presented the financials and FY23 Audit Report
Old Business-
The District Marketing update was presented
Inter-District Transportation- Fairchild moved to approve the Inter-District Transportation Agreement with no changes. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
New Business-
- Activity Calendar: Motion by Hanson to approve the November 2024 Board Calendar with the next Board meeting November 18, 2024 @ 6:00pm in Graettinger. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried
- CMBA- Hanson motioned to approve CMBA Architects to move forward to put out for bids on the Expansion of the Wrestling and Weight Room Facility. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
- Bus Options- Fairchild moved to approve the purchase of the 2026 CE School Bus from Hoglund subject to finance terms. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
- SBRC Letter for Special Education Deficit- Motion by Fairchild to approve the SBRC Special Education Deficit in the amount of $194,032.32. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
- Title Applications- Motion by Fairchild to approve the FY25 Title Application funding. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
- Bank Depository- Motion by Fairchild to approve the FY25 Bank Depository Resolution. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
- Board Policies: Fairchild moved to approve the following policy, 605.3R. Seconded by Hanson.Motion carried.
- PK Field Trip- Hanson moved to approve the out of state field trip to the Center Creek Orchard in Fairmont, MN for the Preschool students. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
- College & Career Field Trip- Fairchild moved to approve the out of state field trip to AgCo in Jackson, MN. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
- PACGDC Mini Grants- Patrick Fairchild moved to apply for a Mini Grant from the PACGDC for Decodable Reader Books not to exceed $5000. Mat Hanson seconded. Motion carried.
Personnel- None at this time.
Committee Report- None at this time.
Administrative Reports- Administration gave their reports.
Board Secretary Comments - Open Enrollments received. MA-9th to CAM
Board Comments- Fairchild would like to extend and invite a representative for the teachers to come to the board meetings to discuss what is going well. Kevin congratulated the Cross Country, Volleyball and Football teams on their season and Liberty Ellis for her sportsmanship shown at a cross country event.
Adjournment: Hanson moved to adjourn at 9:04pm. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carrie
Board Minutes 2024.09.16
Board Minutes 2024.09.16Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Minutes
September 16, 2024
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Directors: Kevin Jensen, Patrick Fairchild, Joey Moen, Superintendent Marshall Lewis and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Director Shamus Currans, Director Mat Hanson, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Anita Helmich and SBO Josh Bader. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order-President Jensen at 5:30 pm. In the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Determine a Quorum- President Jensen
Welcome/Patron Comments- Jayden Joyce, Khloe Hanson, Danielle Mielke, Adelin Rutter and Leah Ness.
Approval of Minutes-Motion by Moen to approve the August 19, 2024 regular board minutes. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
Bills and Claims- Motion by Fairchild to approve the Bills and Claims. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Financial Reports- No report
Old Business-
The District Marketing update was presented
New Business-
- Activity Calendar: Motion by Moen to approve the October 2024 Board Calendar with the next Board meeting October 21, 2024 in Graettinger at 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried
- Open Campus: Fairchild moved to approve Open Campus for Seniors under the supervision of Mr. Simington. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
- FFA National Convention Trip: Motion by Moen to approve the out of state FFA National Convention trip. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
- Inter-District Transportation- Informational
- Approval of Volunteers- Fairchild moved to approve volunteers Mark Gehlen (HS Volleyball) and Dave Greenwald (HS Wrestling). Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
- Board Policies: Fairchild moved to approve the following policies. 700, 603.1, 503.R1, 503.9 and 502.11 Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Personnel- Fairchild moved to approve the hire of Adrianna Krieger as Para for the elementary school. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Committee Report- None at this time.
Administrative Reports- Administration gave their reports.
Board Secretary Comments - Open Enrollments received AB- 9th and KB- 12th to GT, WW- KG to ELC, SC- 9th, MC -6th, and BC 2nd to Okoboji, ZS- TK to Okoboji and AH- KG to Spirit Lake.
Board Comments- Fairchild asked Superintendent Lewis to follow up on the status of our audit with the Auditor.
Adjournment: Fairchild moved to adjourn at 7:06 p.m. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.