200.1R1 - Organizational Meeting Procedures

200.1R1 - Organizational Meeting Procedures

The board will hold its organizational meeting annually at the first regular meeting following the canvass of votes in odd-numbered years.  Notice of the meeting's place and time will be given by the board secretary to each member, member-elect, and the public.

The purpose of the meeting is to transfer material and responsibility from the outgoing board to the new board.  At the meeting, the board will elect a president who will hold office for one year.  Once elected, the president will be entitled to vote on all matters before the board.


Meeting Procedure

The organizational meeting of the board will be held in two parts:  the final meeting of the outgoing board, and the organizational meeting of the new board.

1.     Final Meeting of the Retiring Board

        (1)      Call to order.

        (2)      Roll call.

        (3)      Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).

        (4)      Communications.

        (5)      Visitors.

        (6)      Unfinished business.

                  (a)      Current claims and accounts (for the retiring board to authorize).

                  (b)      Other items.  If any member of the board feels the board should consider any unfinished business, even if only to identify it as unfinished business, the member should address the issue at this time.

        (7)      Review of election results.  The board secretary will present the county auditor's official report on the latest elections.  Official results are recorded in the minutes.

        (8)      Adjournment of the retiring board.


2.     Organizational Meeting of the New Board

        (1)      Board Secretary , as president pro tem, will preside over the meeting until a new board president is elected.

        (2)      Call to order.

        (3)      Roll call.

        (4)      Oath of office.  The board secretary will administer the oath to new members.

         (5)     Election of a president of the board.  The president pro tem calls for nominations; nominations need not be seconded.  The board will then vote on the nominations.  The board secretary will announce the result of the vote and  administer the oath of office to the newly elected president and the newly elected president will assume the chair.

         (6)     Election of the vice-president.  The president of the board will call for nominations; the nominations need not be seconded.  The board will then vote on the nominations.  The president will announce the results and administer the oath of office to the vice-president.

Other items of business at the organizational meeting may include:

         (7)     Board resolution of appreciation recognizing the public service rendered by retiring board members.

         (8)     Determination of dates, times, and places for regular meetings of the board.

         (9)     Board resolution to define the operating rules and practices that will be followed by the new board.

        (10)    Board resolution to authorize the interim payment of bills pursuant to policy 705.5.

        (11)    Communications.

        (12)    Visitors.

        (13)    Superintendent's report.

        (14)    Adjournment.


Vacancies in Officer Positions

If any office of the board should become vacant between organizational meetings, such office will be filled by the remaining members of the board in accordance with this policy.



Approved   8-17-09                   
Reviewed  12/18-14                                                                 
Revised  11-15-21  


dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/17/2022 - 10:29