209.1 - Development of Policy

The board will develop and maintain a policy manual that provides a codification of its policy actions.   Board policy provides the general direction as to what the board wishes to accomplish while allowing the superintendent to implement board policy.  Policies will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure relevance to current practices and compliance with the law.

The written policy statements contained in this manual provide guidelines and goals to the citizens, administration, employees, and students in the school district community.  The policy statements are the basis for the formulation of regulations by the administration.  The board will determine the effectiveness of the policy statements by evaluating periodic reports from the administration.

Policy statements may be proposed by a board member, administrator, employee, student or member of the school district community.  Proposed policy statements or ideas will be submitted to the superintendent's office for possible placement on the board agenda.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to bring these proposals to the attention of the board.



Approved  8-17-09                    
Reviewed   12-18-14                                                            
Revised    11-15-21