Graettinger-Terril CSD and Ruthven-Ayrshire CSD
Joint Board Minute
Monday, February 12, 2024
The Graettinger-Terril and Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education met in the Superintendent's Office in Ruthven, Iowa. Those in attendance included: Kevin Jensen,Shamus Currans, Joey Moen via phone, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Michelle TeGrootenhuis, SBO/RA Board Secretary Josh Bader, and GT’s Board Secretary Angie Woods. Patrick Fairchild arrived at 5:48 pm. The Ruthven-Ayrshire Board of Education: Darin Malm, Jill Conlon, Heather Ruehle, Rob Allen and Principal Courtney Cook. Absent from GT: Mat Hanson. Absent from RA: Susan Sikora, Stephanie Fay, Amy Loder.
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Joint Board Meeting was called to order by President Jensen at 5:39 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Currans moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Academic sharing reports:
Simington presented the Course Enrollment, Scheduling and Activity Participation reports.
TeGrootenhuis presented the Curriculum Overview
Bader presented the Academic Sharing Financials
Current Sharing:
Currans moved to approve the Academic Sharing and Activity Sharing for the 2024-2030 School year as presented with 60% of half of the Districts cost per pupil. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Board Questions/Comments:
Fairchild would like to work on getting teacher compensation, benefits closer together for GT and RA.
Currans moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:42. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
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Board President, Kevin Jensen Board Secretary, Angie Woods