Board Minutes 2024.6.17

Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

June 17, 2024


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Directors:  Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Patrick Fairchild, Shamus Currans,  Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.   Absent: Director Joey Moen. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted. 


  1. Call to Order-President Jensen at 5:35 p.m. in the Industrial Tech Building in Terril, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  2. Determine a Quorum- President Jensen

  3. Adopt Agenda- Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Fairchild.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.

  4. Approval of Minutes-Motion by Fairchild to approve the May 20, 2024 regular board minutes.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  5. Bills and Claims- Motion by Currans to approve the Bills and Claims.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  6. Financial Reports- Bader presented the financials.

  7. Old Business-

    1. The District Marketing: Update was presented.

    2. CD’s: Bader presented rates for CD’s.  Direction was given by the board for a $250,000 CD for 9 months.

    3. Terril Paving: Motion by Currans to accept the bid from Fuller for the Blacktop project at Terril with including an extra area.  Seconded by Fairchilld.  Motion carried.

  8. New Business-

    1. Activity Calendar: Motion by Currans to approve the July 2024 Board Calendar with the next Board meeting July 15, 2024 in Graettinger.  Seconded by Fairchild.  Motion carried.

    2. SU Renewal: Fairchild moved to approve the SU Renewal for 3 years.  Seconded by Currans. Motion carried.

    3. Terril Intercom & Notification System:  Motion by Currans to put in Intercoms and Notification system in the Terril Buildings.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

    4. AD Hoc Committee: Administration, Kevin and Patrick will set a date soon to discuss exit interviews.

    5. FCS Remodel:  Discussion was held on the remodel of the FCS and Textile room.  Direction from the board was given to receive estimates from general contractors and see how much Phillip would be able to do.

        9.    Personnel

9.1 Contracts and Resignations:  Currans moved to approve the following contracts:  Samantha McGrauth-Elementary 

                      Cook, Joanna Buhr- Elementary Custodian, Alex Wadle-MS Math Teacher, Kylie Ness- Elementary Para, Kelsey

                      Dietrich-JH VB coach, Madison Hough- JH girls track and JH girls basketball coach. 

                      Resignations- Tessa Hoffman- JH Volleyball coach and Sara Genzlinger-Elementary Para.  Seconded by Fairchild. 

      Motion carried.

      10.    Administrative Reports

10.1 Lewis presented the Superintendent report

      11.    Adjournment- Fairchild moved to adjourn at 7:35 pm.  Seconded by Currans.  Motion carried.


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Board President, Kevin Jensen                                                                  Board Secretary, Angie Woods