401.3 - Nepotism

More than one family member may be an employee of the school district.  The decision to employ more than one individual in a family is on the basis of each individual’s qualifications, credentials, and records.

No school district employee will be involved in hiring a family member.  It is within the discretion of the superintendent to allow one family member employed by the school district to serve in a supervisory capacity over one of their family members employed by the school district subject to prior approval of the board of directors.  No school district employee shall attempt to influence the evaluation or condition of employment of the employee’s family member with anyone who serves in a supervisory capacity over that family member.

Family members for purpose of this policy include spouses, mothers, fathers, mothers-in-law, fathers-in -law, sisters, brothers, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, daughters, sons, daughters-in-law, and sons-in -law.



Approved:    10-19-09                      
Revised:  4-13-22