Successful education programs require the support of the school district community. The board addresses the importance of the role of the school district community in the school district in this series of the policy manual. The board recognizes this support is dependent on the school district community's understanding of participation in the efforts, goals, problems, and programs of the school district.
In this section, the board sets out its policies defining its relationship with the school district community. In striving to obtain the support of the school district community, the board will:
Provide access to school district records;
Inform the school district community of the school district's goals, objectives, achievements, and needs;
Invite the input of the school district community; and,
Encourage cooperation between the school district and the school district community as well as agencies and organizations to best serve the welfare of its
The school district should maintain open communication among the school district, the public, and Public agencies. The superintendent shall be responsible for initiating and administering a continuous Program of communication within the community. The superintendent shall make sue of appropriate school district personnel and all available media in discharging this responsibility.
Approved 4-20-10
Reviewed 4-9-90
Revised 5-16-05, 5-16-22