Board Minutes 2023.02.20


Graettinger-Terril Board of Education

Regular Board Minutes

February 20, 2023


The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held it regular meeting with the following in attendance:  President Kevin Jensen, Vice President Mat Hanson, Director Jeremiah DePyper, Director Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Michelle TeGrootenhuis, SBO Josh Bader, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.  Absent:  Director Shamus Currans.  All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.


  1. Call to order:  President Jensen at 5:31pm in the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  2. Determine a Quorum:  President Jensen

  3. Adopt the Agenda:  DePyper moved to adopt the agenda with changes.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

  4. Welcome Patrons: Amy Sikora, Marc Benedict, Anne Sexe, Zach Witherspoon, Sara Harris.

  5. Approval of Minutes:  Fairchild moved to approve the January 16, 2023 Board Minutes. Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

  6. Bills and Claims:  Fairchild moved to approve the January Bills and Claims.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried. 

  7. Financial Report:  Bader presented the financial report.


         8.1  The District Marketing Report- Simington reported for Smith.


         9.1 Activity Calendar:  Hanson moved to approve the March 2023 Activity Calendar.   Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

        9.2  Master Calendar:  Public hearing for the 2023-2024 school year opened at 6:19pm and closed at 6:23pm with no comments.  Fairchild moved to         approve the 2023-2024 Master calendar.  Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

        9.3 Band Trip:  Mr Witherspoon and Mrs Sexe presented the board with the Band trip to Florida on March 13, 2023.  Fairchild moved to approve the out-of-state trip.  Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

        9.4 Initial Negotiation Presentation: Benedict and Harris presented the Education Association Initial Proposal 2023-2024 Contract.

        9.5 Initial Negotiations Presentation:  Fairchild moved to have Hanson and Jensen negotiate for the board.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

        9.6  Literacy Purchase:  Mrs TG and Mrs Sikora presented the Literacy Curriculum they would like to purchase for grades K-5.  Fairchild moved to approve the purchase.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.

        9.7 Bank Plus/Josh Bader Oath:  Fairchild moved to appoint SBO Josh Bader as Board Treasurer. In  addition, the Board Secretary Angie Woods will be authorized to have access to Checking, CD’s and  ECOrp. This authorization will be at Bank Plus or any other institution where Graettinger-Terril  does financial business. Josh Bader and Angie Woods will be signers on all Graettinger-Terril  bank accounts. Chris Conlon will be removed from bank access. Checking signature cards will remain the same with Board President Kevin Jensen, Board Vice  President Mat Hanson, and Board Secretary Angie Woods as signers.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.  

Woods administered the Oath to Bader.

      9.8 Board Policy Review 500 series:  Fairchild moved to approve the 1st reading of the 500 series of board policies.  Seconded by DePyper.  Motion carried.

      9.9  ILCC College Fair:  The HS students will be going to the ILCC College Fair on March 2nd in Estherville.


      10.1  Hire:  Hanson moved to hire Kiana Svoboda as a teacher in the Elementary.  Seconded 

By DePyper. Motion carried.          

    11. COMMITTEE REPORT- None at this time.

    12.     ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS:  Administration gave their reports

    13.     BOARD SECRETARY COMMENTS:  Woods presented the Open enrollment report.

    14.     BOARD COMMENTS:  Fairchild asked about MS teacher openings.

    15.     CLOSED SESSION:  Superintendent review. Fairchild moved to go into closed session at 7:47p.m. for Superintendent review  per Code 21.5(1)(a). closed session to review or discuss records which  are required or authorized by the state or federal law to be kept confidential, seconded by Hanson. Roll call all yes, DePyper, Fairchild, Hanson and Jensen.   Motion carried. Fairchild moved to go out of closed session at 8:36 p.m. Seconded by Hanson. Roll call all yes, DePyper, Fairchild, Hanson and Jensen. Motion carried. 

    16. Adjournment:  Fairchild moved to adjourn at 8:37pm.  Seconded by Hanson.  Motion carried.  


The next board meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2023 in Terril.


________________________________                      ________________________________

Board President, Kevin Jensen                                    Board Secretary, Angie Woods