Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Minutes
July 16, 2024
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Directors: Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Shamus Currans and Joey Moen. Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington and SBO Josh Bader. Absent: Director Patrick Fairchild, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Anita Helmich and Board Secretary Angie Woods. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Call to Order-President Jensen at 5:30 pm. In the MS/HS Library in Graettinger, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Determine a Quorum- President Jensen
Adopt Agenda- Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Currans. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
Welcome Guest: CMBA representatives Jocelyn Lange and Olivia Anderson and Amanda Smith with The District Marketing.
Approval of Minutes-Motion by Hanson to approve the June 17, 2024 regular board minutes. Seconded by Currans Motion carried.
Bills and Claims- Motion by Currans to approve the Bills and Claims. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Financial Reports- Bader presented the financials.
Old Business-
The District Marketing: Amanda Smith presented
CMBA presented an update on the Wrestling Room project.
New Business-
Activity Calendar: Motion by Currans to approve the August 2024 Board Calendar with the next Board meeting August 19, 2024 in Terril. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried
IASB Proposed 2024 Legislative resolutions: Upon review and discussion Currans moved to support the following Legislative Priorities. AEA’s, Local Accountability,School Funding and Unfunded Mandates. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Staff Handbook: Currans moved to approve the 2024-2025 Staff Handbook. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Currans moved to approve the following policies as presented. 401.13, 502.7, 605.8, 605.8R1, 701.1, 701.2, 701.3, 701.4, 703.1, 703.2,713 and 713R1. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
Personnel- Currans moved to approve the following resignation of Megan Dyhrkopp-HS Basketball Cheer and hires of Angela Cook-4th Grade Teacher, Deena Fries- Special Education, and Nikki Brown -Head Volleyball Coach. Seconded by Moen. Motion carried.
Committee Report- Athletic Sharing
Administrative Reports- Administration gave their reports.
Board Secretary Comments -Update on the Summer lunch program and 3 Open Enrollments: DL-11th to Okoboji, RE-2nd to Spencer and NE -7th to Spencer.
Board Comments-The board thanked Tara Miller on the summer lunch program.
Adjournment: Currans moved to adjourn at 7:19 p.m. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
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Board President, Kevin Jensen Board Secretary, Angie Woods