Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2021
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Education held its regular meeting with the following in attendance: Kevin Jensen, Jeremiah DePyper, Tonya Feldhacker, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, Elementary Principal/Chris Myers, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, SBO Alyssa Enderson, and Board Secretary Angie Woods.
Absent Mat Hanson. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- Call to Order- President Jensen at 5:31 p.m.
- Determine a Quorum- President Jensen at 5:31 p.m.
- Adopt Agenda - Motion to adopt agenda with no addition or correctios by Feldhacker. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
- Welcome Visitors and Guest: Megan Helmich, Teaner Hoffman, Shamus Currans, Aisha Fehr, David Griffith, Krystal Girres, Kendall Umschied, and Blake Wickman.
4.1 Graettinger Community Visioning Presentation- DePyper motioned to approve the extension of walkway/bike trail on west side of Evergreen Park pending funding. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried. - Approval of Minutes - Motion by Fairchild to approve October Board Minutes. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
- Bills and Claims - Motion by Fairchild to approve Novembers Bills & Claims. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried.
- Financial Reports - Motion by DePyper to approve the October and November financial reports. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried.
- Old Business
8.1 Land Purchase- Motion by Feldhacker to approve the Land Contract Purchase as presented along with Easement. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
8.2 BonFire Report- Myers presented. - New Business
9.1 Prairie Lakes Ballot- Motion by DePyper to vote for Pat Brown for Director District No. 1 of the Prairie Lakes Area Education Board of Directors. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried.
9.2 Activity Calendar- Motion by DePyper to approve December's Board Calendar as presented. Seconded by Farichild. Motion carried.
9.3 Open Enrollment-None
9.4 Mini Grant- Tonya Feldhacker made a motion to apply for a mini grant from PACGGC for weights that are urethane bumper plates for the Weight Room at the amount of $4999.15. Fairchild Seconded. Motion carried.
9.5 PK Handbook- Motion by Fairchild to approve the Pk Handbook. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried.
9.6 Board Policy 100, 200, 300 Series- Motion by Fairchild to approve the 2nd reading with changes noted. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
9.7 Scholarships CD's- Motion by Fairchild to cash in the Leona Leonard and Amy Sloniker CD's and give recipients $250 each year staring with Class of 2021 until the money is gone. Seconded by Feldhacker. Motion carried.
9.8 District Developed Service Delivery Plan- Motion by Feldhacker to approve the District Developed Service Delivery Plan. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried. - Personnel
10.1 Resignation-Motion by Fairchild to accept the resignation of Chris Myers (Elementary Principal/shared Curriculum Director) at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried. Congratulations and well wishes were given by the Board.
10.2 Contracts- Motion by Fairchild to hire the following: Megan Dyhrkopp-Basketball Cheerleading Sponsor ($738), Jennie Rutter-MS/HS Administrative Assistant ($15.50)with benefit package, and Lynn Neilson- Cook at Graettinger. - Committee Reports- None
- Administrative Reports
12.1 Lewis-Superintendent; Report was shared with the board.
12.2 Simington-MS/HS Principal; Report was shared with the board
12.3 Myers-Elementary Principal/Curriculum; Report was shared with the board - Board Secretary Comments- None
- Board comments- None
The Board took a 5-minute recess.
- Closed Session-Motion by Feldhacker to go into Closed Session for Superintendent Review. Seconded by Farichild. Roll call all yes, Feldhacker, DePyper, Fairchild, and Jensen. Motion carried. Went into closed session at 8:11 p.m. Motion by Feldhacker to come out of closed session. Seconded by Fairchild. Roll call all yes, Feldhacker, DePyper, Fairchild, and Jensen. Motion Carried. Out of closed session at 8:51.
- Adjourn-Motion to adjourn the meeting by Fairchild at 8:52 p.m. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Kevin Jensen, Board President Angie Woods, Board Secretary