Graettinger-Terril Board of Education
Regular Board Minutes
April 18, 2022
The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors held its regular meeting. The following were in attendance: Kevin Jensen, Mat Hanson, Patrick Fairchild, Superintendent Marshall Lewis, MS/HS Principal Jeremy Simington, Elementary Principal/Curriculum Chris Myers, and Board Secretary Angie Woods. Absent: Shamus Currans. Jeremiah DePyper came at 5:50 p.m. All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
1. Call to Order- President Jensen at 5:36 p.m. in the Tech building, Terril, Iowa.
2. Determine a Quorum-President Jensen at 5:36 p.m.
3. Adopt the Agenda- Fairchild moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
4. Welcome/Patrons-Heidi Borchers
5. Approval of Minutes- Fairchild moved to approve the March 21,2022 Regular minutes and March 25,2022 Special Meeting minutes. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
6. Bills and Claims-Fairchild moved to approve the Bills and Claims. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried. 7. Financial Reports- Moved to May
a. BonFire Marketing- Myers and Simington gave the report.
a. Activity Calendar-DePyper moved to approve the May Activity Calendar with adding State Track on May 26, 27, and 28th. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
b. Open Enrollment- Fairchild moved to approve the following open enrollments: TB-10th to Okoboji, BR-6th to Spencer, and KB-KG to Spencer. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
c. Summer Projects- Informational
d. Graduating Class 2022- Fairchild moved to approve the graduating class of 2022 pending completion of credits excluding Spanish for this year due to not being offered. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
e. Milk/Bread Bids- Hanson moved to approve Martin Bros.-bread bid and Kemp-milk bid. Seconded by Fairchild. Motion carried.
f. Overload Pay-Fairchild moved to approve a one-time payment of $500 for hourly and $1000 for Certified staff that worked from Oct. 1st through May 1st. Seconded by DePyper. Motion carried.
a. Resignation/Hires- Fairchild moved to approve the following resignations: HS English-Kristine Christianson, HS Football-Chris Olesen. Hires: Para-Joan Clark, Asst. HS VB-Chris Olesen, and Asst. HS SB- Kristi Larson. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
a. Lewis-Presented the Superintendent report.
b. Simington- Presented the MS/HS report.
c. Myers- Presented the Elementary Principal report.
13. Board Comments-Discussion on hourly wages. Jensen thanked everyone for pulling together and making things work.
14. Adjourned- Fairchild moved to adjourn at 8:08p.m. Seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Kevin Jensen, Board President Angie Woods, Board Secretary