Board Minutes - 2021.09.27

September 27, 2021

The Graettinger-Terril Board of Directors met in the Board Room in Graettinger, Iowa. The meeting was
called to order by President Kevin Jensen at 5:30 p.m. Other members in attendances: Patrick Fairchild,
Tonya Feldhacker, Mat Hanson arrived at 5:40pm., Jeremiah DePyper, Superintendent Marshall Lewis,
SBO Alyssa Enderson, and Auditor Murray Stanley(via Google Meet)

There was a Quorum and the agenda was adopted.

AUDITOR-Stanley-Presentation on historical financials and questions.

  1. Question regarding FY21

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS-Discussion was held on financials

  1. UAB Report FY15-21
  2. Budget to Actual Comparison FY21, FY 21
  3. General Fund Cash Flow Comparison FY21, FY 20
    1. May 2021Budget to Actual
    2. May 2021 General Fund Cash Flow
  4. Expense Details FY21, FY20
  5. Budget to Actual FY 22
  6. Skidsteer and Shoutpoint updates to Board

Adjouned at 7:17pm. By President Jensen
